Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Technology is slowly creeping its way into the classroom and a big tool that people may not consider is online games. Now online games is normally what kids will have on their computer on a tab underneath what they should be doing for work. Now in days we as teachers need to keep up with the times and figure out a way to keep them interested. While doing research I cam across a website that had a couple of games that teachers created in order to help with their lessons and get the kids excited. Tech Tools. One of the games I found to be helpful was the Flash Jeopardy, it is the traditional game to which you can plug in your own questions and answers. This is a great activity because it gets the kids excited about answering the questions and helps with social interaction with the students because you can create teams. I enjoy being able to get the students excited and have them actually pay attention in order to WIN.

1 comment:

  1. Great site - PowerPoint Jeopardy has been around for awhile, but an online version (especially if you can personalize) makes it even better.

    So, how would you use it in the classroom? As a replacement for a lesson? as an assessment? as a review? What subject would you use it for and what categories would you use? You will want to provide more depth when you choose to do the alternative assignments - this is off to a great start, but need more detail to help me understand how you would apply it in your classroom.
