Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chapter 5 Post

Focus Question: What are search engines and how do they work? It is a tool the enables anyone to access online information by locating web pages that have been linked to data base.

Tech Tool: Flickr  is a website that helps people share their photos they have created and also helps people search for photos they need. The photos on this website can be divided and grouped together in certain subjects or themes and they can share a common interest. People can explore the world with just looking at photos and get in contact with photographers for events. When creating power points for class you can use some of these photos for the project.

This Chapter is mainly about search engines such as Google, Bing, and Wikipedia. It discusses how to use the information you receive wisely and learn how to site it officially. I understand the Internet critics when they speak about is online research really reading and they say no. Because most of the time students are going online to find the quick answer instead of reading the material completely. Which is why we need to teach students that most of the time the internet is just a helping tool not the complete answer and we need to show that they can receive the information they are looking for online but you have to watch what you search.  Also a lot of this chapter is about preparing the students for the future with being technology savvy. And we had a project in this very class about website evaluation and how to determine if the information is reliable or not.

Maloy, Robert, and Ruth O'Loughlin. "Transforming Learning with New Technologies (with MyEducationKit)." Pearson Education -. Library Of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/bookshop/detail.asp?item=100000000350920>.

1 comment:

  1. Reference to website evaluation rubric very appropriate!
